Mayo Manager James Horan Raises Lets Move Flag

Mayo Manager James Horan Raises Lets Move Flag

In the Assembly Hall at St Patrick€™s School on Monday 20th February the boys gathered around and were told about €œLet€™s Move.  The story was that a few years ago The Rotary Club asked the question – why was it that some Castlebar boys were not very...
Christmas Fayre and Breda Gilvarry

Christmas Fayre and Breda Gilvarry

An excellent event, congratulations to Breda Gilvarry (and her team). The event went very well and approximately €3,500 was raised on the day. Thanks for all members and friends who donated items to the sale. Happy Christmas to you all.
Paul O’Grady Presentation to Friend of Londaini

Paul O’Grady Presentation to Friend of Londaini

Presentation to “Friend of Londaini”. Presentation of a cheque to Dr Maebh Ni Bhuinneain and Dr Paul O€™Grady for Friends of Londiani.  L to r.  Vivienne, Seamus Cashin, PaddyOBrien, Fred, Paul O€™Grady, Dr Maebh, Joe Beirne, Joe Mulroy, John...
Rotary ShelterBox Disaster Response

Rotary ShelterBox Disaster Response

Global Disaster Relief Efforts Continue ShelterBox is currently helping families affected by disasters in Madagascar and New Zealand while a further ShelterBox Response Team (SRT) is due to arrive in Bolivia later on today. 400 ShelterBoxes have been sent to...
President Caroline Costello Wild West Presidents Night

President Caroline Costello Wild West Presidents Night

A big thanks to Photographer Michael Donnelly who has sent the club on a selection of photos  from the Presidents Wild West Party night 2010.  These photos have been added to this website (in the Photo Gallery). It was great to have Enda Kenny and his...