Nov 15, 2023 | Uncategorised
A very successful evening event. Full credit to Rotarian Paul O’Grady and Sharon Geraghty, St Geralds Career’s officer. 50 Leaving Certificate students were interviewed on the night by 10 interview panels. Students answered a list of core...
Oct 17, 2023 | Uncategorised
A big thank you to everyone involved in the Castlebar Rotary Club ‘’Stroke Awareness Day’’ free event. Well done to Walter Donoghue for his organisation and planning of the event and to all Rotary members who helped out, to Supervalu who facilitated us, to Fionnuala...
Oct 17, 2023 | Uncategorised
A busy meeting on Tuesday October 3rd with our Club Monthly meeting followed by an Introduction to Rotary Castlebar by President Finian Joyce to potential new members. The new members were given a Presentation on the Club and an information pack which...
Oct 10, 2023 | Uncategorised
A Stroke Awareness Day is being organised by Castlebar Rotary Club in conjunction with Murray Ambulance Service and local health professionals.High Blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke and this free event, to be held in Supervalu, Castlebar, on Saturday...
Jun 8, 2023 | Uncategorised
Rotary presents the proceeds of the Christmas Tree of Remembrance 2022 to Castlebar Social Services and Mayo Cancer. Photos from two recent Cheque Presentation’s (€2,000 each) to Castlebar Social Services and Mayo Cancer. Rotarians in photo with Mayo Cancer and...