Castlebar Rotary Newsletter June/July 2013!

……to Breda for an absolutely fantastic year as President. She did amazing work and really was inspiring to us all.
Thank you Breda and we hope you continue to inspire us!

…and Best of Luck to John O’Donnell as he takes over as Club President of Rotary.
Roll an another great Rotary Year!

Don’t forget – Club Assembly Tuesday 2nd July @ 6.30pm in Breaffy House – Assistant Governor Jenny McCrea from Enniskillen will be attending so a full house would be great to have!

Citation for Club 2013.
Assistant Governor Jenny McCrea will present the RIBI citation for our great work to the club on Tuesday 2nd July – well done to all members who helped with projects over the year.

There was a proposal to have a summer break this year – the last 2 weeks of July and the first 2 weeks of August. This was agreed at Council in June.

So please note:
Last meeting will be on Tuesday 16th July
Meetings resume on Tuesday 20th August.

Finally – Joe Beirne wants your subs
You have been warned!!!!!

That’s all for now folks! Fiona Byrnes