A big thank you to all our members and friends of Rotary that took part/assisted in Dragons Den 2014.  A lot of work goes into this project from the inital three Presentations in the schools before Christmas, followed by a Qualifier round, Mentoring sessions and the the final Dragons Den Competition.  (more photos in photo gallery)

Organisers:  Caroline Clarke, Peter Glynn, Maria Staunton and Vivienne Kyne

Presentations in the Schools:

Caroline Clarke, Janine McGinn Lecturer GMIT, Deirdre Garvey, Head of Castlebar Campus, GMIT and Vivienne Kyne

Pre-Qualifer Round Judges: 
Caroline Clarke, Peter Glynn and John O’Donnell

Business Mentors:  Walter Donoghue, John Horkan, Dolores Burke, Killian Scollan, Caroline Clarke, John O’Donnell and Peter Glynn

Joe Mulroy (Rotary), Enda Casey, (Local Enterprise office), Maria Staunton (Innovation in Business Centre, GMIT)

A thank you also to the teachers, vice principals and principals in each school who are very supportive of this competiton:  Michelle Britton (Davitt College), Niamh Sweeney (St Josephs) and  Ian Kelleher (St Geralds)

We get excellent help and support from Maria Staunton and her staff in the Innovation in Business Centre.

A special thanks to Breaffy House Hotel who give the use of their hotel/Breaffy Suite for our various sessions free of charge.

Finally thanks to Breda Mulroy for organising the food for the Dragons Den and Club Treasurer Joe Beirne for producing the prize money at short notice. And as always thanks to Michael Donnelly for taking the photos.

I hope I have not forgotten anyone!

LtoR:  Enda Casey (LEO), John ODonnell, Joe Mulroy, Vivienne Kyne, Maria Staunton and Killian Scollan.        Michael Donnelly photography